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Helpful Tips for Gutter Cleaning

Gutter cleaning is an essential part of building and home maintenance and should be done on a regular basis. However, it can also be fraught with danger as it is an activity which takes place some distance from the ground, and because of this you need to take precautions and know exactly what you are doing. Here at ABWC we offer the best gutter cleaning services and the following are tips that we have compiled after years of research and experience.

Gutter Cleaning

Gutter Cleaning

The starting point is a study of the working conditions. It is important to be able to get to the guttering safely, so check out the height in order to employ the correct apparatus. Then you need to turn your attention to the the surfaces the equipment will be resting against and be sure that they can support not only it, but also the weight of any workers.

And what about the ground conditions? An uneven surface, a slope or a poor texture could result in a lack of stability, leading to a fall or collapse of the equipment. Also, make sure that it will not be affected by adverse weather conditions such as high winds or driving rain.

On some occasions, it may not be possible to complete the gutter cleaning work from the ground. This necessitates other modes of access and you have to think about other ways to reach the site. If you have to approach it from the roof, consider the implications for you, your workers and your equipment. You also need to verify that the roof is of sufficient strength to support everybody’s weight. The erection of temporary safety rails might also be an option while the job is being completed.

Once you are actually on the job, there is the problem of debris disposal. The best way is to place it in small bags and winch it down to the ground. In the event that some debris may fall directly out of the gutter to the ground, you should rope off an area from the general public

When working at height, concentration and freshness are very important. This requires you to take frequent breaks to avoid unnecessary tiredness and strain. If you are working from a ladder, limit your periods of toil to no more than thirty minutes or so.

The need to have the correct tools and safety equipment can not be emphasized enough. Also, make sure that those you are working with are suitably trained and possess the correct skills to handle any equipment and do the job. Additionally, you may have to hire apparatus to access the guttering. In which case, instruct the team so they know how to put it up and take it down.